01.07.2015 21:02

The pending electricity tariff hike in Armenia led to citizens' protest who held an assembly and twenty-four-hour sit-in on Yerevan’s Freedom Square from June 19 through June 22, 2015, in violation of the procedures envisaged by the RA law on "Freedom of assemblies".
On June 22, 2015 the aforementioned protestors carried out an unlawful march towards Baghramyan avenue, completely blocking the movement of vehicles and pedestrians. Тhe march turned into a termless sit-in at the mentioned place at 8 p.m. the same day.
Police of the RA regularly carried out precautionary and preventive measures in line with the national legislation and international standards during the whole course of the assembly, the march and the subsequent 10-hour long sit-in. And only in the morning of June 23, after lоng and useless negotiations over continuing the assembly on Yerevan’s freedom Square and ignored multiple appeals to terminate the unauthorized assembly, the Police had to terminate the assembly by themselves.
In accordance with its course of action in similar cases, Police of the RA immediately launched internal proceedings to verify the lawfulness of its employees’ actions.
However, in the evening of that same day the assembly organizers and participants again completely paralyzed the traffic along Baghramyan Avenue and its adjacent streets by holding another unauthorized assembly followed by a march and a sit-in and accompanied with unlawful actions.
Up to now Police of the RA have displayed tolerance towards the long-term blockage of one of the city’s main arteries, the fact of bringing to the assembly venue items which are not meant to be used during assemblies, and making noise in areas adjacent to residential buildings during night-time disturbing the rest of the people, and didn't prevent the assembly participants from expressing their position on а public interest issue.
Simultaneously, Police of the RA state that any manifestation of people’s right to freedom of assemblies, irrespective of its nature, the essence of participants’ demands and their attitude towards the satisfaction of those demands, should comply with the relevant provisions of the Constitution, law on ‘Freedom of Assemblies’ and other legal acts of the Republic of Armenia.
In this regard, the right to freedom of assemblies first of all doesn’t and can’t have an absolute nature and in a democratic society it can be restricted in the interest of public order and protection of constitutional rights and freedoms of others, including for the purpose of еnsuring regular traffic.
As it clearly follows from legislative regulations, every assembly has a beginning and an end, i.e. it should be temporary. Besides, the content of the right to freedom of assemblies does not include the satisfaction of a demand expressed during the assembly.
Simultaneously Police of the RA attach importance to the fact that the assembly organizers and participants have had enough time to announce their demands and present them to the society, competent authorities and officials.
Under these circumstances one of the Yerevan’s main traffic arteries providing daily movement of tens of thousands of people, meeting people's need of work, leisure and etc., continues to remain blocked indefinitely. Moreover, there are objects and other barriers on Baghramyan avenue's carriageway and adjacent pavements which restrict the movement of public transport and pedestrians. Finally, one of the busiest highways in the city has been closed for a long time and is serving for leisure activities, sports and cultural events.
Based on the above-mentioned facts and their legal appraisal, Police of the Republic of Armenia announce, that the long-term closure and absolute blockage of Baghramyan avenue is a disproportionate restriction of other people's constitutional rights and public interests by its nature and caused consequences.
Therefore, Police of the Republic of Armenia call on the assembly organizers and participants to display judiciousness, respect the RA Constitution and laws, other people’s rights and legal interests and to voluntarily cease the 10-day blockage of Baghramyan avenue.
Simultaneously, Police of the Republic of Armenia urge the the assembly organizers and participants:
- in the future to hold possible public events in accord with the requirements of the RA law on «Freedom of assemblies».
- to change the assembly venue after negotiations with policе.
Otherwise, Police of the Republic of Armenia will have to resort to a full-scale exercise of its powers conferred by the RA Legislation.
Police of the Republic of Armenia are full of hope that the public order disrupted in recent days, the natural activity of public structures, as well as violated rights of citizens will be possible to restore in an atmosphere of understanding and goodwill, without coercion or use of force.
Police of the Republic of Armenia