27.09.2014 10:51
Round table conference held at the Representation of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Armenia (VIDEO)

The Representation of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Armenia, jointly with Police of the Republic of Armenia organised a round table conference on “Identification and Protection of Stateless Persons: the introduction of Statelessness Determination Procedures”, which was held on Wednesday, September 24, 2014.
The round-table event brought together representatives from governmental agencies, international, Civic and Social organizations, state officials, as well as authorized representatves from Moldovan and Georgian Governments and NGO-s.
The Round Table was organised in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless persons to which Armenia acceded in 1994.
This occasion served as a reminder of the existence of the millions of stateless people who are hidden and forgotten by the world.
In his welcoming remarks Mr. Christoph Bierwirth, UNHCR Representative in Armenia, mentioned that though nationality might seem like a universal birthright, but an estimated 10 million people are living without it. “Those stateless people have no legal identity, are citizens of no country and are some of the most vulnerable and invisible people in the world. Statelessness prevents people from fully participating in society and leaves them without a sense of identity and with little or no voice.’’, Christoph Bierwirth added.
It should be noted that the RA Police is currently developing a draft legislation designed to address the identification and protection of stateless persons and UNHCR has been continuingly supporting the Police in this initiative.
Mr. Misha Sardaryan, Head of The Passport and Visa Department of the RA Police, emphasized that the draft legislation will allow the RA authorities to ensure the proper identification of stateless persons and the full enjoyment of their rights in accordance with Armenia’s international obligations.
During the event the participants brainstormed about elimination of statelessness.