14.09.2016 18:26
Deputy Director of the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces visits Armenian Police (VIDEO and PHOTOS)

On Wednesday, September 14 Head of the Headquarters of Police of the Republic of Armenia, Police Major General Aram Zaqaryan received Deputy Director of the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces Dr. Philipp Fluri and Bernhard Franklin, National Politico-Military Program Officer at OSCE Office in Yerevan.
Welcoming the guests, Aram Zaqaryan deeply appreciateted the well-established cooperation between the Armenian Police and the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) and stated that the bilateral relations will further be developed and strengthened.
Dr. Philipp Fluri expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome extended to them and assured of DCAF's readiness to reinforce the existing cooperation.
During the meeting the parties discussed the course of implementation of the annual cooperation program for 2016 between the Armenian Police and the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces and the main directions in which the program envisages a number of OSCE-supported measures.
The meeting was conducted in an atmosphere of mutual understanding.