17.02.2013 18:24
The announcement of the police of the Republic of Armenia concerning the media reports on the distribution of electoral bribe

Thus, Hrant Mkrtchyan, an inhabitant of Oshakan village, Aragatsotn province, during a meeting with a presidential candidate announced that 5000 AMD was distributed as a bribe in their village, though, later on, in response to police officers interrogation, he insisted that there had not been such a case in Oshakan village and he had heard about the bribery from general conversations.
As for cases of not cooperating with the police, in this respect the examples of the journalists about the ‘Aspares’ club and the ‘Gala’ TV company are noteworthy, when the individuals declaring electoral bribery in the social networks or on TV, later on just refused to provide materials or other information about the facts they reported.
The Police of the Republic of Armenia, highly appreciating the activity of our citizens, media, civil society institutes and their efforts to satisfy the requirements of the legislation as well as to disclose the offences, also calls to everyone to mention concrete or certain facts in their reports on any offences, including electoral bribery, as well as to assist police in verification of the credibility of that information or the legitimacy of the sources of such information, after making such reports.
In all cases the police of the Republic of Armenia will continue to undertake all legal and necessary measures within its comission in order to ensure the legitimacy of the electoral processes, expecting the support and cooperation of natural persons, media, public organizations and political parties.