05.06.2014 12:39
2 wanted men detained and another man turns himself in
Elizbar H., DOB 1954, has been detained by officers of Shengavit police division on Bagratunyats street, Yerevan. The man had been wanted under the RA Criminal Code, article 268, part 1 /illegal turnover of narcotic drugs or psychotropic materials without the purpose of sale/ since June 1 of this year.
Azat Kh., DOB 1980, has been detained following special measure taken by officers of Lori Marz Department along with their colleagues from Bazum, Gugark and Ijevan полице divisions. The detainee had been wanted under the РА Criminal Code, article 258, part 4 /hooliganism/ and article 235, part 1 /illegal procurement, transportation or carrying of weapons, ammunition, explosives or explosive devices/ since December 28, 2013.
Armen D., DOB 1984, turned himself in to the Police following special measures taken by officers of Arabkir police division. The detainee had been wanted under the RA Criminal Code, article 177, part 3, point, part 2, point 1 and point 2 /theft/ since May 31 of this year.