24.09.2013 14:22
Meeting held in RA police within the framework of Armenian-French cooperation

On September 24 head of the RA Police Headquarters, Police Major General Vardan Egiazaryan received the French delegation led by deputy head of the Department of combatting transnational crime of the French Ministry of Interior Jean-Francois Imbert.
Greeting and welcoming the guests, Vardan Eghiazaryan highlighted the effective cooperation over the previous years and expressed hope that the two sides will further do their best to achieve a more substantive interaction, expand the scope of mutual aid and mutually benefecial exchange of experience, as well as to raise the partnership, especially the one in the sphere of transnational crime, to a new qualatitive level, for the close and constructive relationship between the French ministry of Interior and Armenian police mostly contribute to it.
Jean-Francois Imbert expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome and assured that the traditional cooperation between the two police structures will further be more expanded, for it is mutually beneficial.
During the meeting the parties also discussed other issues of mutual interest, including questions regarding the RA police delegation's forthcoming return visit to the Republic of France.
Within the framework of the French delegation's visit it is planned to hold meetings in the General department of combating organized crime, Interpol NCB in Armenia, General department of criminal intelligence, educational complex, Yerevan city department, General Investigation department of the police of the Republic of Armenia.