10.09.2014 09:00
Armenian Police extend a warm welcome to the delegation led by U.S. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Armenia John Heffern (VIDEO and PHOTOS)

On Wednesday September 10, 2014, Armenian Police Chief, Lieutenant General Vladimir Gasparyan received the delegation led by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Armenia John A. Heffern.
Greeting the guests, Vladimir Gasparyan stated that the cooperation between the Armenian Police and the U.S. Embassy in Yerevan has always been quite active, practical and effective. The Police Chief especially highlighted The U.S. Embassy’s considerable assistance to the police reform process.
Providing an overview of the ongoing process of the comprehensive police reform, Vladimir Gasparyan emphasized that Armenian Police are committed to providing superior service to the community and improving the transparency of police activities.
The Police Chief touched upon a number of issues related to the implementation of the community policing model in Armenia, police personnel changes and training, human rights defense and etc.
Mr. Heffern, in his turn, attached great importance to fight against domestic violence, mentioning that it is a global problem nowadays. In this regard, Mr. Ambassador highlighted the necessity to increase public awareness and provide relevant assistance.
Vladimir Gasparyan mentioned that in view of the importance and complexity of this problem, a Department on fight against domestic violence has been established within the General Department of Criminal Intelligence of the RA Police.
Today police functions are performed within the scope of each police officer's responsibilities. «The reform process is henceforth irrevocable, – the Police chief said, – and the Police will continue to act openly and publicly because we are determined to fulfil our commitment of completing the process of reforms aimed to form a Police which enjoy public confidence».
Mr. Heffern expressed his appreciation for the warm welcome extended to him and attached a great importance to the ongoing police reform, assuring the Embassy's readiness to promote bilateral cooperation.
The two sides also discussed other issues of mutual interest.