17.11.2015 18:21
Visit to the Embassy of France in Armenia to pay tribute to the victims of Paris terror attacks (PHOTOS)

A «Crowd management» training attended by officers of police units involved in public order management is being conducted by French experts at the Educational Complex of Police of the Republic of Armenia within the framework of Armenian-French Police cooperation program.
The training aims to increase the professionalism of police officers, make them familiar with the international experience in the relevant sphere and raise the degree of interaction between the police units.
On Tuesday, November 17 the leadership of the Police Edcuational Complex along with their French colleagues visited the Embassy of France in Armenia to pay tribute to the victims of the Paris terror attacks.
Armenian police officers' visit to the Embassy was symbolic, as French police officers have been killed in the line of duty, once again stating that it is the Police officer who guarantees the security of citizens, even at the cost of his own life, police officer is on the front line everywhere, regardless of his nationality and citizenship.
A wreath and flowers on behalf of Police Educational Complex were laid outside the French Embassy, a letter of condolence was handed over to the Ambassador to commemorate the victims of Paris terror attacks.