12.05.2015 09:37
3 wanted men detained in Moscow and transported to Yerevan
Thanks to special measures taken by officers from the General Department of Criminal Intelligence along with their colleagues from Malatya division of the RA Police and GDCI of the Russian Ministry of Internal affairs, Armenian citizen Harutyun A., DOB 1988, was detained in Moscow and transported to Armenia by Moscow-Yerevan flight on Saturday, May 9 at 8:30 p.m. The young man had been wanted by Malatya police division charged under the RA Criminal Code, article 325, part 1 /forgery, sale or use of forged documents, stamps, seals, letter-heads, vehicle license plates/ since March 16, 2015.
Thanks to special measures taken by officers from the General Department of Criminal Intelligence along with their colleagues from Malatya division of the RA Police and GDCI of the Russian Ministry of Internal affairs, Armenian citizen Mher M., DOB 1993, was detained in Moscow and transported to Armenia by Moscow-Yerevan flight on Saturday, May 9 at 8:30 p.m. The young man had been wanted by Malatya police division charged under the RA Criminal Code, article 112, part 1 /intentional infliction of grave damage to health/ since September 27, 2014.
Armenian citizen Armen H., DOB 1975, was detained in Moscow and transported to Armenia by Moscow-Yerevan flight on Saturday, May 9 at 8:30 p.m. following special measures taken by officers from the General Department of Criminal Intelligence along with their colleagues from Malatya division of the RA Police and GDCI of the Russian Ministry of Internal affairs. The young man had been wanted by Malatya police division charged under the RA Criminal Code, article 177, part 2, point 3 /theft/ since November 16, 1995.