09.04.2014 15:17
The delegation of Armenian Police visits the Swiss Confederation

A delegation of Armenian police officers led by Head of the RA Police Headquarters, Police Major General Vardan Eghiazaryan was participating in an OSCE-supported study visit to the Swiss Confederation from March 31 to April 4, 2014. The delegation also included Head of the Legal Department of the RA Police, Police Lieutenant Colonel Meruzhan Hakobyan, Deputy Head of the General Department of Criminal Intelligence of the RA Police, Police Lieutenant Colonel Alik Margaryan and officers from Police Headquarters.
On March 31 Armenian delegation met with Director of The Geneva centre for the Democratic control of Armed forces Ambassador Winkler and his Deputy Dr. Philipp Fluri. During the visit the parties highlighted the importance of the well-established collaboration and the need for further enhanced cooperation. The key topics for discussion included possible directions of interaction between Police of the Republic of Armenia and The Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces and cooperation priorities.
On April 1 the Armenian delegation met with a number of experts in the field of Trafficking, Migration, Asylum and Gender issues from the Geneva centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces. The Swiss colleagues shared their experience in the relevant spheres and outlined plans for future. Organizational and legal issues related to involving Armenian Police in DCAF activities were also discussed during the meeting.
On April 2 the delegation of the Armenian Police met with Temporary Head for the Federal Police office in the Swiss Confederation Mr Adrian Lobsiger. Issues related to establishing close cooperation between the police systems of the two countries and etc. were discussed during the meeting. Head of the RA Police Headquarters, Police Major General Vardan Eghiazaryan conveyed Mr Adrian Lobsiger Armenian Police Chief’s kind regards and invitation to visit the Republic of Armenia.
On April 3 members of the Armenian delegation visited Chablais municipal police division in Aigle town where they familiarized themselves with the activities od the division, observed working conditions and work environment.
Head of the RA Police Headquarters, Police Major General Vardan Eghiazaryan stated that the experience shared by the officers of the municipal police of the Swiss Confederation will be instructive and useful for developing community policing recently implemented in the Republic of Armenia. The Armenian delegation visited Savatan police academy where they met with Director of the academy, Colonel Allen Bergonzoli, who introduced the educational programs, training courses and the educational process itself. Mr Allen Bergonzoli expressed his willingness to help to maintain close cooperation between Savatan police academy and Police Educational Complex of the Republic of Armenia,
Within the framework of the memorandum of mutual understanding signed in Yerevan in 2013, on April 4 Head of the RA Police Headquarters, Police Major General Vardan Eghiazaryan and Deputy Head of the Geneva centre for the Democratic control of Armed forces Dr. Philipp Fluri signed an Annual cooperation program which envisages holding a number of OSCE-supported events aimed to develop Armenian Police system.