02.12.2013 15:34
Police of the Republic of Armenia remind that today, on December 2, certain limits of traffic are being applied on central roads of the capital to ensure the natural course of the ceremonial events to be held in connection with Russian president’s official visit to the Republic of Armenia. The traffic limits are also aimed at ensuring foreign guests' and officials' participation in those events.
Police of the Republic of Armenia made a warning statement that on December 2 the road traffic would be organized according to a specific shedule. i.e. road traffic would be held up on certain streets in Yerevan.
In compliance with part 1 of article 5 of the RA Law on «Freedom of assemblies», the freedom of assemblies may be restricted only in case, when in a democratic society the protection of state security or the public order, the prevention of crime, or the protection of public health and morals or of the constitutional rights and freedoms of others are dominant in regard of the freedom of assembly.
The Police shall be obliged to remove from the assembly venue persons that rudely violate the natural and peaceful course of the assembly, if it is not possible to maintain it otherwise, as well as to hold those offenders criminally liable.
The Police are again making an appeal to carry out the instructions of police officers, abstain from movement along central streets, keep coexistence rules and show respect towards each other and the personnel responsible for traffic control.