19.04.2018 14:13

From the very beginning of the processions and meetings held in the capital since April 13, 2018, in violation of the procedure established by law, the actions of their organizers and participants led to the violation of the constitutional right to freedom of movement of thousands of citizens, as well as the normal functioning of a number of institutions.
Those meetings were already accompanied by numerous riots, during which violence was used against individuals, public property was destroyed and damaged, in such a situation, lives and health of citizens and public safety were endangered.
On April 16, 2018, in accordance with the RA law "On Freedom of Assemblies", Police of the Republic of Armenia took a decision to stop the meeting, the organizer of the meeting was notified of this decision, nevertheless, ignoring it, he keeps calling for public disobedience.
Led by the organizer of the illegal assembly and on his direct instructions, the participants of the meeting have kept blocked the entrance to the building of the Government of the Republic of Armenia from the morning, preventing the free entrance and exit of employees to the building.
The organizers and participants of the rally not only continue to not obey the legitimate demands of the police to stop their illegal activities, but also commit violent actions against them.
Such behavior clearly goes beyond the content of peaceful assemblies and once again proves that the external "peaceful" appeals of the organizers are an attempt to disguise the apparent illegal actions.
In this situation, the police are forced to apply administrative measures against offenders for failing to comply with their legitimate requirements.
In addition, at the call of the omeetinrganizer g to demonstrate illegal behavior, its participants jeopardize their lives and health, the responsibility for the consequences of which rests with the organizers.