01.04.2019 14:54
The envelope delivered from Germany contained Ecstasy; Police makes another drug-related arrest (VIDEO)

On Thursday, March 28 Alexander Yeghiazaryan wanted on suspicion of acquisition, possession and use of drugs, was detected in Kievyan street and taken to Arabkir police division thanks to the special measures taken by officers from the Police Department for Combating Illicit Drug Trafficking and Arabkir Division in collaboration with the employees of the National Security Service.
In his envelope, which was received from Germany by postage, four greenish-yellow tablets were discovered. According to the reports, they are drugs of the new generation, called Еcstasy. The tablets were sent for examination. It has been found that the discovered items are a particularly large amount of type of "MDMA" drug, a variety of ecstasy.
A criminal case has been launched In connection with this case. Alexander Yeghiazaryan has been arrested. A charge has been brought against him. According to the court decision, the defendant was released in exchange for money.
The preliminary investigation is underway.
Note: Suspected or accused of an alleged offense is considered innocent until his guilt is not proven in the manner prescribed by the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Armenia by a court verdict entered into force.